Cucumber Beetles are Here!
Monday, June 16, 2014
Striped and spotted cucumber beetles can cause serious losses in cucumbers, melons, pumpkin and squash. Not only can they destroy new plantings, but cucumber beetles are a major concern because they vector bacterial wilt of cucurbits. In Nova Scotia, striped cucumber beetles (yellow-green, about 6 mm long, with three black stripes down the back) are most common.
Begin cucumber beetle control as soon as seedlings emerge. Early treatment is essential for beetle management. A single application of Admire may provide near season-long control. Applications of foliar insecticides may be required twice per week during peak beetle activity.
Row covers and/or insect nettings are very effective means of excluding cucumber beetles in pesticide free or organic production. Place the cover as soon as the transplants are set out and uncover when plants begin to bloom.
Please consult a pest management guide for cucurbits such as Perennia’s Guide to Pest Management in Field Cucumber, Guide to Pest Management in Melons or Guide to Pest Management in Pumpkin and Squash for detailed information on pesticide options.